Friday 15 August 2014



While I am a massive fan (as in enthusiasm, not girth *harrr harrrr*) of a clutch bag, I must admit that the occassions to sport one have been few and far between lately. Bah, humbug!

However, as Jessica Alba, so elegantly proves - a good clutch goes a long way in adding a touch of glam to any ensemble!

From day to night, this versitile little Saint Laurent clutch is certainly put through it's paces...

But at a hefty $500-$750; I don't think it quite fits in with my "no-shopping-August" goal!!! 

"But it's black and white leopard print! Buuyyyyyy itttt!" screams the little shop-a-holic part of me (she is little... tiny infact. Spends all her money on clothes. Fortunately, she competes for a share of the budget with a more hedonistic part on myself who is addicted to lovely meals, rare steak, chucklit and copious amounts of vino!)


Monday 23 June 2014

What I've been reading this month...

After finished reading Oh Dear Silvia and then The Irresistible Inheritance of Wilberforce - I am in dire need of cheering up! 

While they made me very introspective, I would highly recommend them to those in need of a new book. I won't spoil the fun out of reading the "blurb" at the back of the book for you, and there are much more comprehensive reviews out there if you need one. All I will say is; as I got to know the title character in each book, I didn't like them very much, and by the end, I felt overwhelmingly empathy for them. Which makes one ponder one's own life as a book. Hmmm... 

Perhaps the rolliking adventure of The Cuckoo's Calling is just what the doctor ordered?
That and a large glass of wine obvs.

Cool hunting comedy...

I found myself on the Southbank this weekend, and received an impromptu invitation to see Al Murray's show The Pub Landlords's Southbank Saloon at the Wonderground festival... As you do!

I like Al Murray. I "get" it... The satire of his on stage charater is hilarious. His guests at the Southbank Saloon this past Saturday night, however, were not to my taste. Well, that is apart from the £3-budget-"Thriller"-chaps; they were marvellous! I was enthralled and laughed uproariously to show my appreciation.

Back to the others though. A quote that sums up the other "comedians" that night for me: "smuggling out bigotry under a veil of irony". 

Their names escape me - I wish I had taken note so that I could avoid them in future. For the purpose of this comment, I’ll call them “Skinny Irish Guy” and “Bald Chap with Blingy Belt”, perhaps even abbreviated to SIG and BCBB respectively.

SIG was juvenile. I think the only people who would appreciate such overuse of the f-word are adolescents who are still getting to grips with words they don’t hear on C Beebies. If he’d popped a few funny jokes in between the *&^%'s and £$&*!'s - it would have been better. But alas no. Even his Irish accent failed to charm me. Toward the end, he threw out a few amusements, but it was generally not a performance worth repeating.

Al Murray cheered us up after the half time break but at this stage I’d regretted my gloating Facebook status that I was going to see this show. “Careful what you wish for” as the saying goes...

BCBB started with a good crack about “Tin-Tin” that I could imagine working out well but things took a bit of a nasty turn when a couple, who chose to leave after a controversial comment, were verbally abused by this bald badass. He had a proper rant at them, and I felt that the rest audience, giggling with embarrassed/shocked laughter, stayed out of politeness. Perhaps trying not to appear like middle-class-types-who-get-offended-on-behalf-of-others? Who knows.

I’m glad I left midway through his act. I would caution against his belief that his comedy is “art” and it is his artistic privilege to berate an audience in the manner he did. 

Well, that’s him told anyway. 

So - it's one star for Al and one for the old chaps. The other two can try harder next time.

Friday 22 February 2013

Emerald - pantone colour of 2013!

I was really excited at the news that emerald was the pantone colour of 2013... Although, I wish it had been the shade of 2011, when I was rocking my emerald, handknitted snood. I'm either ahead or behind.... 


Print trousers...

Wish my luck folks... This weekend (or, realistically, when the weather improves a little) - I intend to embark on the printed trousers trend... I got these on sale from Long Tall Sally for £15 (you can't even get a good bottle of vino for that in London town!)
And with the contents of my wardrobe, I hope to look super-cool, like this:

Wednesday 6 February 2013

A fool for Valentines cool...


It's that time of year again, where lingerie companies are bringing out the garish red knickers in the hope that it will boost sales, as the romantic in us wants to impress our loved ones with gestures gleened from watching too many American sitcoms. 


Don't be fooled by those who say "it's just another day. Doesn't matter to me..." They are liars... (For those of you who are now thinking "I am not a liar", you really need to examine this fervent denial...)

Doing something on Feb the 14th, is important; simply, so that you have an answer when people ask "What are you doing for Valentines' day?" or "What did you do for Valentines' day".... the nosy bastards.

Don't feel disheartened, it is also the time of year, when you non-single folk get to bask in one of the main benefits of being in a relationship; mainly, having someone to do sh*t with while us singletons scramble around trying desperately to find someone to go to a pub with us. 

Valentines day is like the reward to you relationshippers for enduring all the family-related duties of the festive season. It's like a bonus after a hard year of work. 

So, make an effort. Lord it over us singlesies. I don't want to hear any of this "it doesn't really matter, as every day is V-day to us" bullsh*t. I want gloating facebook posts about thoughtful dinners, masses of flowers and in 9 months time, I want you to name your child February or something, in honour of the blessed day of conception. 

For those of you at a loss for ideas, here are a couple I gained from the internet:
1. Re-enact your first date
2. Rent a hotel room and pretend you're tourists
3. Go for a burger with your ex while your partner is away on business <-- I threw that in there to see if you're paying attention. Don't do this. This is a rubbish idea...
4. Make him/her a home made card (sounds budget, but they'll love the effort - esp chicks)

Or, one for the boys, do what any man who hopes to win my heart would do - buy pretty, sparkly things...
As for me... I will probably retire early to bed with a good book and some chucklit. I am just rock'n'roll like that... 

But fear not, ladies and gentlemen, I am sure I will be part of the gloating masses soon. There is a lid for every pot*

*oooooh another idea. Send them a pot lid. And a note saying something to the effect of my above statement... "You're my lid, mofo" or summink like that... sigh... and they say romance is dead!


Thursday 24 January 2013

Good leopard. Bad Leopard.

I love leopard print. I may be getting to a certain age where it's become acceptable to wear it... which is a bonus.
BUT. There are acceptable ways and, let's be totally frank, f*cking unacceptable ways of wearing the trend! <-- I hardly swear... but this is a subject I am clearly passionate about...

Acceptable: I like certain designs of pencil skirts, even dresses, but the safest option is a scarf or small-ish bag - like a clutch. 
There is combinations of leopard print that just offend the eye. And these trousers are guilty, guilty, guilty!!
